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Imagine Institute gives you permission to download and share the following resources.  Please do not alter the materials or content in any way.  These resources are made available to the public through a partnership with Alberta Health and United Way of Edmonton Capital Region.

Training Inventory Framework

Complete list of Training and services provided by Imagine Institute For Learning.

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Community Mental Health Training Framework

This resource compiled the current mental health related trainings available for professionals working across various sectors.  The resource looks at six domains related to mental health: Mental Health Awareness, Addiction and Substance Misuse, Brain Development and the Impact of Trauma, Trauma-Informed Care, Workplace Wellness, and Suicide Prevention.

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Community Mental Health Engagement Framework

If you are looking to facilitate community conversations regarding mental health, this resource will give you some tools and activities to engage participants.

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Learning Immersion Manual

This resource compiled the current mental health related trainings available for professionals working across various sectors.  The resource looks at six domains related to mental health: Mental Health Awareness, Addiction and Substance Misuse, Brain Development and the Impact of Trauma, Trauma-Informed Care, Workplace Wellness, and Suicide Prevention.

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Need Help Tool

This quick reference guide can be customized for your community to share with people you work with.  This is the Edmonton version. For the customizable form, or to access it in different languages, go to

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Compassion to Action: From Enforcement to Coffee and Empathy-Led Security

The following stories highlight how Compassion to Action supported the shift towards empathy led security and transformed a mall into a place of safety and support for individuals living with homelessness and vulnerability.

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Power of Love: The Brick Learning Centre

The story of how the power of love and caring relationships can transform students’ lives and set them on the path to hope, self-confidence mastery and high-school graduation.  A story of how to better support kids who are experiencing trauma or chronic stress using trauma-informed approaches.  For information on trauma-informed care training for schools, contact us at

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Making A Difference: When Effective Training Meets People and Settings Ready for Change.

Read about how Imagine Institute’s training energized and engaged a community to transform the conversation around mental health in their community.  Explore how the chemistry between effective training, inspired participants, and communities ready for change generates abundant opportunities for making a difference.  Imagine what is possible.

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Shared Wisdom Guide: Stories and Resources for using Evidence in Practice

The Shared Wisdom Guide is a vehicle for sharing evidence-informed practices and innovations for supporting mental health in the community, and for inspiring and supporting those who wish to optimize the care and supports they provide to others. For more stories, go to

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